
Problèmes Ouverts: 40 Problèmes Clos: 22 Problèmes Pris en compte: 0
Watching issues created after: 2011-02-21


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  • 1070 Taylor Drive Folcroft - Folcroft
    there are alot of stray cats on our block we get no help from animal control or our bourgh now people are poising them n also shooting them if we feed them we get fined if we turn them in to animal control we get fined no one will help i also emailed erickson from channel 3 it is sad to watch the nursing mothers starve nand to see them abused this is animal cruelty at its worse the spca told me to contact mr luca from your paper and said he may be able to help thank you nancy sweeney 6103484689
  • Oak Ave And Chester Pike - Glenolden
    This intersection is a death trap. They REALLY need to put some kind of turning arrows on Oak Ave and Chester Pike. It has only gotten worse since the "Super" Wawa was built. Realistically the only option (since there is only 1 lane of traffic) is to put the arrows up on Oak Ave and let 1 side start with the green arrow and the other side get the green arrow after the first side turns red
  • Mac Dade Blvd And Ashland Av Glenolden Pa 19036 GLENOLDEN, PA 19036 - Glenolden
  • 800-998 Delview Dr Folcroft, PA 19032, USA - Folcroft
    In the alleyway of the 800-900 block of Delview Drive there has been a stream running down the alley for over 10 YEARS. The borough has promised to fix this problem but 10 YEARS later the problem still exists. During the winter the alleyway is a sheet of ice, during the summer it is a stream complete with algae.
  • Folcroft Avenue Bridge - Folcroft
    This bridge has been out for almost 20 years. I live on a 1 way street just before this bridge and my street becomes a race way for police fire ambulance school buses, you name it. Once they find out that the bridge is out they all come down the street the WRONG WAY.......... Only the residents of this street do 25 everyone else does at least 40. The township refuses to fix our street from wear and tear due to excessive travel on it.
  • Mac Dade Blvd And Ashland Avenue Needs A Left Turning Arrow - Folcroft
    Mac Dade and Ashland Avenue need a turning lane. There isa a lot of traffic on Mac Dade.When you go through the light there are card parked on the right and then 2 lanes are getting into one. It's a bad intersection .
  • 1-39 N Ridgeway Ave Glenolden, PA 19036, USA - Glenolden
  • 1-99 E South Ave Glenolden, PA 19036, USA - Glenolden
    drivers navigating curve at bridge routinely cross over into oncoming traffic lane, inviting a head-on collision.
  • Glen Ave Folcroft, PA 19032, USA - Folcroft
    Folcroft Ave. RR bridge has been closed off for years. Doesn't look like it will ever be repaired and re-opened. Consequently, a lot of the traffic cuts thru our driveway...many speed thru not caring about kids, people, cars, etc. We now have found the boro says it is Watson Rd. (It use to be Ave. C a paper street on the map). What can be done about the traffic (e.i. cars, truck, mail man, ice cream man, school buses, etc.) We (home owners have to pay to keep this "driveway" in repair or we are fined.).
  • 818-868 Taylor Dr Folcroft, PA 19032, USA - Folcroft
    Last winter the water dept. dug up most of Taylor Drive and did a really poor job of repaving. Grooves in the road are going to cause an accident as this is a very highly traveled road in both directions.
  • Traffic Light Archived
    700-898 Primos Ave Darby Township, PA 19032, USA - Folcroft
    Light turning left from Primos Ave to Hook Rd going towards Philadelphia only allows a car or two through then makes you wait an excessive amount of time for the next light.
  • Primos Ave & Hook Rd - Glenolden
    Light at Primos Ave & Hook Rd only allows a car or two to get through when turning left onto Hook rd from Primos Ave towards the city then makes you wait an excessive amount of time for the next light.