Southport Public Services

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Watching issues created after: 2010-04-29

A reçu une notification à propos de

  • 800 W 9th St Southport, NC, USA - Southport
    The main entrance gate of Southport Elementary School (on the 9th. St. side) is so lacking in markings that my wife couldn't see it closed until it smashed through her windshield. Of course, the county assumes no liability, and we had to pay for car repairs. Not fair! Gate should be clearly marked! As it turns out, the principal was not on the school grounds that morning. He stated that this gate had never been closed in the 7 years he had been with the school. An art teacher took it upon herself to close it- without authority. This is why we seek reimbursement for our windshield. That gate is not part of standard traffic control procedure, and the principal is not sure why it's even there. He was at least open to the idea of taking it down. I'm looking forward to seeing some action on this issue. Thanks!