LCI - Westville PLUS

Problèmes Ouverts: 340 Problèmes Clos: 6 264 Problèmes Pris en compte: 178
Watching issues created after: 2017-04-25

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  • Parks Request Archived
    29 Tour Avenue New Haven Connecticut - Westville
    The preschool at 3 Tour Avenue would like access to the river walk, located next to the playground at 29 Tour Avenue. We would like an opening created in the metal fence along Tour Avenue. This way, we can easily take our preschoolers for walks along the river or over to the playground on Blake Street. We would also appreciate a dedicated crosswalk on Tour from our playground to the river walk. We thank the city in advance for making this happen!
  • 538-542 Central Ave New Haven, CT 06515, USA - Westville
    Second crash in as many months this morning at Willard & Central. An all-way stop would be much safer!
  • Parks Request Archived
    561 Edgewood Ave New Haven, CT 06511, USA - Edgewood
    Upper Edgewood Parkdesperate need of mowing. it hasn't been mowed in over a month and we now have sapling weeds growing in the park. please mow this area!
  • 317 Alden Ave New Haven, CT 06515, USA - Westville
    The intersection of Alden Ave and Willard Street needs to be a four way stop for all vehicles. There are far too many accidents and near accidents at this location. Plus, it will stop the constant speeding down Alden Avenue. It is difficult and frightening to cross Alden Avenue for pedestrians.
  • Potholes Archived
    2-30 Knollwood Drive New Haven, Connecticut - Westville
    The recent paving project left a patch of road, approximately 15 feet long, unpaved, with raised manholes exposed. This road hazard has been present for about three weeks now. When will it be fixed?
  • Traffic/Road Safety Acknowledged
    Alden Avenue And Willard St 06515 - Westville
    All way stop sign needed at corner of Alden Ave and Willard St. Yet another accident. Police and ambulance onsite. At least one person being transported by ambulance.
  • Yele And Chapel or Yale and Edgewood, New Haven, Connecticut - Westville
    On both Chapel and Edgewood rampant speeding occurs daily. Monday afternoon I was passed on Edgewood by a car doing an estimated 45-50 mph on the wrong side of the road. I have lived in the neighborhood for several years and seen virtually no improvement. It would be nice to see active enforcement on a daily basis, and it may help to cut down on the many car break ins in the area as well.
  • 471 Central Ave New Haven, CT 06515, USA - Westville
    Unleashed pit bulls jumping at low, broken fence
  • 540 Edgewood Avenue New Haven, Connecticut - Edgewood

    Sunday afternoon, 8/27, there were several people riding dirtbikes and quads around Edgewood park, across the grass, and along the access road. They were traveling quite fast, doing wheelies and generally racing around. A number of the riders were masked.

    I wish these guys had a place where they could ride and enjoy off road sports safely. The streets of New Haven and Edgewood Park is simply not a safe option.

  • Edgewood Park Soccer Field New Haven, Connecticut - Westville
    When our kids hosted families from other communities for New Haven Youth soccer games this weekend, this is what our kids and their kids were forced to play in/on.
  • Whalley Ave & W Rock Ave New Haven, CT 06515, USA - Westville
    Traffic trajectory lines are needed due to the three lanes on Whalley Avenue not lining up with the three lanes after crossing West Rock Ave. traffic light. This issue has the potential to cause serious accidents with confused drivers merging into the same lane, believing that are each appropriate. Trajectory lines would easily remedy this issue.
  • 465-471 Blake St New Haven, CT 06515, USA - Westville
    Even with the snazzy pedestrian walk crossing light, every car turns right on the red through the pedestrian crossing sign. Today, even as I was in the cross walk a car turned 6 feet in front of me and I had to hold up my hand to keep the other car from running me down. It's ridiculous. There is a lot of crossing at this corner and it's just a matter of time. Maybe add a 'yield to pedestrian' sign.