
  • 300-364 Basalt Dr Vallejo, CA, 94589, USA - Vallejo
    This is back. It was gone for awhile and thank goodness. How long is this going to get parked here for? I’m sure it’s also not supposed to be here. It’s a blind side for those turning right from Pumice act along with the boat parked there as well
  • Boat Reconnu
    300-364 Basalt Dr Vallejo, CA, 94589, USA - Vallejo
    I’m pretty sure a boat shouldn’t be parked in a residential area?
  • 300-364 Basalt Dr Vallejo, CA, 94589, USA - Vallejo
    Hello there,
    Noticed this and it looks like it could be dangerous and fall on someone’s car if it gets really windy one day. Thanks!
  • Auto Mall Pkwy Vallejo, CA, 94591, USA - Vallejo
    Homeless encampment hair down the street from the fire dept.
  • Columbus Pkwy Vallejo, CA, 94591, USA - Vallejo
    This car has been here at least maybe almost a year. We have seen a tent just behind it. I fear if this person tries to do a campfire, it could be all bad….I’m surprised no one has seen this or reported it yet. My location on the map might not be accurate but it’s going down redwood st. Once you make a left on Columbus it’s just a little further down on the right
  • 300-364 Basalt Dr Vallejo, CA, 94589, USA - Vallejo
    I don’t know why this trailer won’t disappear permanently. I don’t think tickets have even been issued after my many complaints of this trailer. This should not be parked in a residential neighborhood. It left for maybe 2 weeks then came back. I get that staffing is short. Can’t someone just give tickets to this thing or get it towed so they stop parking here?
  • 400-498 Basalt Dr Vallejo, CA, 94589, USA - Vallejo

    These two have been parked here forever and haven’t moved. My last comparing VPD said someone saw the RV last month in another part of town and they talked to the owner….I highly doubt that was this same RV as it hasn’t moved in about 3 months now.

    The trailer to the left of this has been parked there for half a year now and hasn’t moved. I have also complained about this.

    As you can see, these are taking up street space and shouldn’t be parked in a residential neighborhood. I am told they will be given violations, but then what? When will they move? Will it take a year to get these moved? This area is prone to having these kinds of big vehicles parked here that shouldn’t be

  • 301-343 Basalt Dr Vallejo, CA, 94589, USA - Vallejo
    This RV has been parked here now for a month and hasn’t moved. I know this is going to get transferred to VPD traffic. But then what? The other trailer I complained about is still parked across from this for 3 months now and both are taking up space for cars to drive.
  • 100 Pumice Dr Vallejo, CA, 94589, USA - Vallejo
    Hello, City Officials!
    This trailer has been parked here and hasn’t moved for well over a month. It’s in the way of the oncoming traffic and shouldn’t be parked in a residential neighborhood. Thanks!
  • Basalt Dr & Limestone Dr Vallejo, CA, 94589, USA - Vallejo
    This trailer has been parked here for two weeks and hasn’t moved. Are these types not supposed to be parked in a residential neighborhood?
  • 101 Gypsum Dr Vallejo, CA, 94589, USA - Vallejo
    Hello City Officials,
    Aren’t these type of commercial trailers not supposed to be parked in residential areas? This thing was parked on Basalt Dr between limestone Dr and Pumice Dr for 3 months (which I opened several tickets for and complained about) and just recently moved to this new location which I am assuming will stay there for another 3 months.
  • 301-343 Basalt Dr Vallejo, CA, 94589, USA - Vallejo
    There is a royal blue car parked not straight on this street and is blocking the street a little by the way it's parked crooked. You can't miss it. It's been in a bad car accident if you look at the front it looks pretty totaled. Seems they just left it here and has just been sitting here not parked correctly. With this car and the trailer parked on the opposite side, they are both taking up street space for cars to drive through.
  • 300-364 Basalt Dr Vallejo, CA, 94589, USA - Vallejo
    Trailer sitting here for 2 months. The first time I reported it, VPD said the vpd traffic would be issuing a ticket violation for this. The second time I reported this, I think a user named Giants Fan Forever reported my ticket (lol) because it's a duplicate. He seems to be the police of things being sent in. The reason I opened the second was cause nothing is happening as it's still going to sit there. I am opening a third one because a ticket isn't going to do anything. Why can't this be towed? How long does this thing need to be sitting here before it gets removed from the street??2
  • 300-364 Basalt Dr Vallejo, CA, 94589, USA - Vallejo
    This has been parked here for 2 months at least. Aren’t these things not supposed to be parked in residential areas? I would think at three months it’s questionable. It’s a little unsafe in my option for the people driving out of pumice court and making a right on to that street. It definitely hasn’t moved at all.
  • Penny Ln & Redwood Pkwy Vallejo, CA, 94591, USA - Vallejo
    This trailer freight truck has been parked here for almost a month. In a residential area? There is no loading or unloading going on that I have seen happening. From what’s I looked up, this is not allowed unless doing the latter.
  • Basalt Dr & Pumice Dr Vallejo, CA, 94589, USA - Vallejo
    This trailer is always here and is hazardous to the people turning from pumice ct. It was koved maybe for two days and now it’s back. Prior to it being moved, it was sitting there for at least a month. These kinds of things should not be parked in a residential neighborhood. I feel like this belongs to the house with the end knees garage sales :|
  • 366-398 Basalt Dr Vallejo, CA, 94589, USA - Vallejo
    More trash being dumped again. My previous complaints are still open and have never been acknowleged.
  • 366-398 Basalt Dr Vallejo, CA, 94589, USA - Vallejo
    Non stop garbage. Is City of Vallejo dking anything to stop this??
  • 366-398 Basalt Dr Vallejo, CA, 94589, USA - Vallejo
    This is getting out of hand. I'm not sure why City of Vallejo won't do something about this. Maybe put up a camera in the area so car license plates can get caught. It's turning our area into a mess. There are other complaints I see for this same area. Why is public works closing the other ones??
  • 366-398 Basalt Dr Vallejo, CA, 94589, USA - Vallejo
    This is getting ridiculous. Now it’s just piling up. I see a case for the same thing open still from 22 days ago. Back then there wasn’t this much trash. Does the city of Vallejo not care?? Put some cameras up so you can catch who is doing this!