City of Savannah

Problèmes Ouverts: 4 Problèmes Clos: 0 Problèmes Pris en compte: 0
Watching issues created after: 2021-08-09

Overgrown weeds and wild bugs next door to 800th block East Anderson St. Savannah. I’ve been calling the city since July 16, 2021.
#BadNeighbors breeds bugs and drug dealers

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  • E Anderson Ln Savannah GA 31401, United States - Savannah
    Those pits are getting deeper and deeper.
  • 300-398 E 45th St Savannah, GA, 31405, USA - Savannah
    On way to work this morning I noticed quite a bit of water flooded and running in the street. It appears to be leaking underground near a hydrant. Not a small leak and certainly wasting a lot of water. Tried calling City if Savannah utilities but no after hour or emergency number. 45th between Battey and Reynolds.
  • 633 South St Savannah, GA, 31405, USA - Savannah
    Two big pot hole in the intersection of south and temple Street and also a light out on temple Street between south and Stanley Street
  • Wallin St Savannah, GA, 31404, USA - Savannah
    The irrigation head in the median near the turn lane into Home Depot is spraying on cars and needs to be adjusted.