Fan Resident

Problèmes Ouverts: 55 Problèmes Clos: 2 052 Problèmes Pris en compte: 81
Watching issues created after: 2014-05-05

1500-2000 Fan District

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  • 300 W. Clay St Richmond, Virginia - Jackson Ward
    Abner Clay Park, a city park with a playground, is located at Clay and Brook Rd, a complex interaction with a Four-Way stop sign. Blooming Child Petite Academy, a daycare facility, is located at 300 W. Clay St. Because of these two facilities, there are often small children near the street, crossing Brook Rd., and playing in the park. Twice last week, I was almost hit with my 20 month old son crossing Clay or Brook by cars driving above the speed limit or driving through one of the stop signs without coming to a complete stop. Please consider adding a "Children Playing" sign to alert drivers to the presence of the city park and daycare center.
  • Other Acknowledged
    100 West Brookland Park Boulevard - Brookland Park
    Permanent parking and street cleaning signs on wood post were removed illegally. See photo.
  • 4025 Chevy Chase Street Richmond, VA - Bellevue
    There is a section of sidewlak that was moved upwards from the tree that fell over during the hurricane. At least three people that I am aware of have tripped and fallen on the sidewalk as well as into the large hole left from the fallen tree being removed. This has become a very hazardous situation and needs to be taken care of immediately.
  • 4800 Hermitage Rd Richmond, VA 23227, USA - Bryan Park
    Bryan Park has not been serviced in several months. The grass is up to 12 inches long and shrubs are overgrown too. In addition, there are limbs of trees from the storms and trash in several areas. I am very sad to see Bryan Park this way and hope the city can pay to maintenance this park soon!
  • 308 North Adams Street Richmond, Virginia - Jackson Ward
    This content is currently blocked. The content is either under review by SeeClickFix or has been confirmed by SeeClickFix for violation(s) of SeeClickFix Terms of Use ( Content that aligns with SeeClickFix Terms of Use will be posted, and content that does not align with our Terms of Use will not be permitted for public viewing.
  • 515 W Franklin St Richmond, VA - Monroe Ward

    As you can see from this Google Street View photo:

    There used to be a 'NO PARKING FROM HERE UNTIL CORNER' sign next to that tree on W. Franklin St -- the point of this was to prevent people turning onto W Franklin from N Henry (or crossing W Franklin) from having to make a blind turn.

    A few months ago, the 'NO PARKING FROM HERE UNTIL CORNER' sign was removed. Even before then, some people would still park at that corner.

    Whenever there are cars parked there (two of them will fit), it forces anyone on N Henry to blindly make that turn or cross the street. Because of the layout of the parking garage, EVERY TENANT of Park Plaza at Belvidere is forced to make that blind turn if people are parked there.

    It's extremely unsafe, and the 'NO PARKING FROM HERE UNTIL CORNER' sign should be put back and strictly enforced. 2 extra parking spaces isn't worth a traffic hazard.

  • Monroe Park Richmond, VA - Vcu

    While local activists have taken up the cause of public outcry over this most recent piece of VCU branding illegally erected on city property within Monroe Park, it is in fact a code enforcement issue and needs to dealt with immediately (and vocally) by the city.

    Since code enforcement is not 'category' option, I assume this posting will not be moved, reassigned, or removed, but dealt with and commented on by the city.

  • Other Archived
    201 W Brookland Park Blvd Richmond, VA 23222, USA - Brookland Park
    Graffeti is appearing on our storefronts, alleyways etc all along the Brooklandpark Blvd. Five new "tags" appeared in the past three days. City just recently paid to have all commercial buildings painted. Now there is some one or a group defacing 80% of our buildings. Called Graffeti hotline and recording stayed it was not available. Graffeti must be covered up immediately to deter further destruction of property and to send a message. It is obvious that the area is not being properly patrolled or monitored.
  • 4100 Brook Road Richmond, Virginia - Bellevue
    The parking lot behind CVS on Brook Road at Bellevue Avenue has been neglected and overgrown for some years.
    Please have the property owner get this cleaned up
  • 2606 Hawthorne Ave Richmond, VA 23222, USA - Northern Barton Heights
    The grass at Battery Park is nearly 2 feet long and needs to be cut ASAP. As the city is well aware, there is a big tennis tournament this weekend and this neglect sends a terrible message to visitors to the park and the city.
  • Other Archived
    1305 Nottoway Avenue Richmond, VA 23227, USA - Bellevue
    Fallen tree limb - I personally reported this tree to be taken down months ago because it is dying - it was deemed fine & the ticket was closed - today one of the limbs fell into the roadway & onto a parked vehicle - this tree MUST be taken care of! There are children in all the homes surrounding this area - thank you
  • Battery Park Richmond Va - Northern Barton Heights
    The grass at a battery Park is in dire need of a cut. There is a Junior Tennis Tournament scheduled for this weekend and it is a shame to have vistors to our lovely community have to sit in grass so high. There are matches scheduled over the next weekends as well